1:1 Consultation

The systems approach to herbal prescribing is different to the mainstream healthcare system which mainly focuses on symptom management. Herbalists identify and treat the root cause - not just the symptoms. This thorough investigation is taken to help gain the deepest insight into the circumstances of the patient with the aim to facilitate the most effective and lasting healing.

During a consultation Ruth will enquire about the nutritional status of the patient through questions about diet to identify any possible deficiencies or food related problems. Ruth will run through a list of questions to gain insight into the unique constitution of the patient as well as the functionality of all the physical systems i.e. cardiovascular, respiratory, eliminatory, endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal etc. Emotional, mental and spiritual health are also welcome to be explored.

The initial consultation can take up to 1 to 1.5 hours. Ruth will work through any presenting complaints to understand where they began and how they have evolved over time. Ruth will take a detailed case history which includes previous medical history going back to childhood and also some information on family medical history.

Blood pressure, pulse and tongue diagnosis are some physical examinations that may be used to gain diagnostic information. Other non-invasive examinations may also be used when indicated. A herbalist may refer patients for further tests or to other specialists if needed. Herbalists are trained to understand the limitations of treatment and when a patient needs to be sent for further investigations.

Follow up consultations usually take around 30 minutes. A follow up is usually booked 2-3 weeks following the initial consultation and at longer intervals thereafter. These shorter appointments allow for a regular review of treatment progress as well as to make adjustements to the medicine where required. The length of treatment varies for each person.

After the consultation Ruth will often spend time unravelling the history of the case to uncover the patterns of imbalance. Often a timeline of this individual journey will come in to view. Sometimes the beginning of the journey to illness is traced back to a significant change or life event. Through this insight a herbalist can gain an understanding of the root cause - which may also be linked to stress, trauma, deficiency or exposure.

Ruth works in a process of deep listening to allow time to make sense of the patients story and unravel the patterns of imbalance within the body.

Two people with the same condition will rarely receive the same medicinal formula, this is because a herbalist recognises that both the constitution and circumstance of the individual are unique and complex. The aetiology (cause) of illness is always unique to the journey taken by the patient.

This is why lasting healing is only made by unravelling this journey and the herbs are used to bring balance to the physical systems which are indicated during the initial consultation.

The Medicine

A herbalist will create a bespoke medicine to treat their patient. This is always designed specifically to the needs of the individual and their presentations. The medicine aims to address all aspects of health- as opposed to just one. A typical prescription could contain as few as one herb or a formula of multiple herbs as needed.

Prescriptions are often fine tuned as the treatment moves forward after each follow up appointment. The understructure of the prescription often stay the same however different herbs may be incorporated as the healing process evolves.

Ruth also believes we are designed to work with (and consume) herbs (and foods) which are available in nature throughout the seasons and therefore one or two herbs are added each season based on the types of plants that we would find growing naturally in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

To read more about the different types of medicine, consultations and pricing, please refer to the drop down menu.


  • 1:1 Initial consultation £150
    Follow up consultation £60

  • Ruth can also assist with ‘non patients’ who are experiencing short term or non serious conditions i.e. urinary tract infections; respiratory infection; conjunctivitis; influenza. This can be offered as an over-the-counter or dispensary service.

    A basic safety evaluation will be made for ALL enquiries of this nature via a short consultation to ensure there are no contraindications or drug interactions before any advice or medicines are provided. If there are multiple health conditions, pregnancies, medications etc then a longer more thorough consultation may be required in order to provide any health support.

    Fees for short term illness consultation are £25. To book a 20 minute short term illness consultation please click the link below.


  • Prescription herbal medicine is usually taken in liquid form as a mixture of medicinal tinctures. Tinctures are alcohol based liquid extracts of medicinal plants made to exact specifications in order to extract and preserve the bioactive compounds of medicinal plants.

    Ruth may also sometimes prescribe other types of herbal preparations such as teas, creams, infused oils, aromatic waters, flower essences, essential oils, powdered herbs or capsules.

    Medicine costs are in addition to consultation fees and vary from between £9-15 a week.